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Sunday School & Bible Study

Simon Gilbert Sunday School Class

Open to all ages and both men and women.  Studying Bible in Life, by David C. Cook, Comprehensive Bible Study: a weekly student Bible study book for all ages of adults. CBS covers all of the major passages and themes of the Bible by following the International Sunday School Lessons cycle. Each 13-week quarter of lessons focuses on a book or section of Scripture as part of a coordinated survey of the whole Bible. Includes the KJV and NIV versions for comparison, Scripture commentary, discussion questions, and "apply this to your life" activities and stories. Also lists daily Bible readings for further exploration of the Scriptures (these readings are keyed to the devotionals found in The Quiet Hour).

New Beginnings Sunday School Class

New Beginnings is an adult group of folks with a heart for enlarging their knowledge of things as seen through the filter of Biblical scripture and Christian love. We meet to study on Sunday mornings and at other times to do service work and to socialize. We welcome anyone who would like to visit. Come see us!

Young Adult Sunday School Class (18-30ish)

Studying: Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio. 
The study is about facing your Giants in life and defeating them with God's help and presence in our lives. 

Children's Sunday School

3 classes available. Youth, 10-14, age 3 and up, and nursery for 2 and under. Teaching foundational truths about Jesus and the bible.

We also teach age appropriate worship songs.

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